CASJ Food Safety Newsletter

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A note from the Editor, Dr Andrea Goldson-Barnaby

In November 2019, Professor Dasgupta asked me to serve as Editor for a new Food Safety Newsletter having previously had the opportunity to work with him over a number of years as a member of CASJ and as a speaker at a Food Safety Forum in April 2019. The latter was in collaboration with CASJ together with The National Agricultural Health and Food Safety Coordinating Committee (NAHFSCC), the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture(IICA) and the Pesticide Research Laboratory (PRL).

The first edition contained the following articles:
Coronavirus and food safety
Impact of Climate Change on Agro-processing in the Caribbean
Food recalls: are they increasing?
From fruit vendor to fruit science journal author
The ackee fruit

The second edition contains the following articles:
A Letter from the Editor
Food Safety - Aspects for closer examination
Cyanide in cassava products
Nitrites in processed meats

The third edition contains the following articles:
A Letter from the Editor
Why Does Grandma Put Her Bread in the Freezer?
Phosphates in meats
Fermented foods
The Iodine value of Coconut & Corn oil
Word Search for Food Colourants

The fourth edition contains the following articles:
A Letter from the Editor
Advances in Nanomaterials
Food Allergens
Omics Technology
Food Security
Chemfest Highlights

The fifth edition contains the following articles:
A Letter from the Editor
The 2018 outbreak of escherichia coli
Listeria outbreak
Food Safety Workshop
Food & agro processing technology programme
ACS student engagement initiatives
Very amazing products
Word Search - Microbiological Hazards

The sixth edition contains the following articles:
A Letter from the Editor
Herbal tea hazards
Mineral oil hydrocarbons
Foodborne illness
Peanut butter recall
Meet our graduates
Denbigh Agricultural Show highlights
Student engagement
SERMACS 2022 highlights
Word Search - Pesticide Residues in Foods I and II

The seventh edition contains the following articles:
A Letter from the Editor
Transformation of Food Waste into an Edible Oil
Fats & Health
Female pioneers in chemistry
ACS student engagement
Commonwealth Science Congress
Chemical Society of The Gambia
Unravelling the palate puzzle
Blockchain technology in the Food Industry
Food safety crossword puzzle
CAS Conference Announcement

The eigth edition contains the following articles:
A Letter from the Editor
Biofilms and their significance in the Food Industry
Food Packaging: Cans
Potential applications of Coffea Arabica Fruit
Science Outreach: STEM Week, Lister Mair Gilby
New CAS Fellows, The UWI, Mona
Word Search: Mushrooms

The ninth edition contains the following articles:
A Letter from the Editor
Implementation of a STEM Program in Schools for the Deaf in Jamaica
Food Safety, Health and Wellness
Science in our Everyday Lives
Frankincense & Myrrh
Blighia sapida & Annona muricata
ACS Highlights

The tenth edition contains the following articles:
A Letter from the Editor
Cold Plasma Processing as an Emerging Non-thermal Food Processing Technique
Understanding and mitigating the risks of antibiotic residues in dairy products
Green, active, and intelligent packaging and storage systems
Food production systems requiring less energy and water consumption
Potential chemical hazards in bottled water
ACS Highlights

Deadline for the next Newsletter is 1 February 2025.
Feedback and enquiries about submission of articles can be sent to:

Andrea Goldson-Barnaby, PhD
Lecturer and Programme coordinator,
M.Sc Food & Agro Processing Technology,
Department of Chemistry,
The University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica

Last update 31st December 2024